‘디지털을 가장 디지털답게’ 넥스트페이퍼는 IT 기술과 데이터를 기반으로 한 디지털 커뮤니케이션 & 마케팅 전문가 그룹입니다.
‘디지털을 가장 디지털답게’ 넥스트페이퍼는 IT 기술과 데이터를 기반으로 한 디지털 커뮤니케이션 & 마케팅 전문가 그룹입니다.

Successful Tourism Marketing​
Created by NextPaper

NEXTPAPER M&C is a digital marketing specialist with a leading position in the travel industry.
We’re building a network of tourism bureaus, airlines, travel agents, influencers, brands, and more.
With an extensive understanding of the travel industry, we provide the best and most comprehensive travel marketing services.

Tourism Marketing​​
Createdby NextPaper

NEXTPAPER M&Cis a digital marketing specialist with a leading position in the travel industry.

We’re building a network of tourism bureaus, airlines, travel agents, influencers, brands, and more.

With an extensive understanding of the travel industry, we provide the bestand most comprehensive Tourism Marketing services.

Tourism Marketing​
Main Business​

NEXTPAPER M&C delivers seamless PR and marketing solutions, blending strategy, KPI goal setting, promotion planning, and influencer marketing across four key travel marketing sectors.

We take charge of branding & campaigns, online events, influencer & celebrity co-ops, social media operations, content planning and creation and AD display.

Leave these in our hands: Building micro websites, content development, newsletters, creating an e-catalog, creating online and offline promotional materials and translations. ​

You can trust us with: airline & travel agency communications, destination product development, OTA collaboration, roadshows & seminars, exhibitions & fairs, airline & travel agency FAM Tour, market research & consulting and sales calls.

We promise to deliver the maximized results in: creating an outreach strategy, advertising campaigns,
media tie-in projects, press conferences, media events, media FAM Tour, TV shoots, consumer brand co-ops, press release writing and publishing.​

Tourism Marketing
Main Business​

NEXTPAPER M&C operates integrated public relationsand marketing, encompassing marketing strategy and KPI establishment, promotionplanning, and influencer marketing under the four main business areas oftourism marketing.

Branding & campaigns, Online events, Influencer & Celebrity Co-ops, Social media operations, Content planning and creation, AD Display

Build a micro website, Content development, Newsletters, Create an e-catalog, Create online and offline promotional materials, Translation

Airline & Travel Agency Communications, Destination Product Development, OTA Collaboration, Roadshows & Seminars, Exhibitions & Fairs, Airline & Travel Agency FAM Tour, Market Research & Consulting, Sales Calls ​

Create an outreach strategy, Advertising Campaigns,
Media tie-in projects, Press conferences & media events, Media FAM Tour, TV shoots, Consumer brand co-ops, Press release writing and distribution​

Tourism Marketing
Why NextPaper


Distinguished strategy
by top-notch travel marketing experts

Insights from data-driven analysis and top experts to execute compelling campaigns. 


Trendsetting Influencer Marketing and Management

Harness our strong network of influencers to attract potential travelers. We’ll do all the data tracking and performance analysis.


Create and execute an effective paid ads strategy​

Provide optimal media mix suggestions and report transparent results with relevant insights 

Tourism Marketing
Why NextPaper?


Organized marketing planning
by a group of Digital Marketing/Tourism Marketing experts

Insights from the top experts and accumulated data to support the best possible service


Influencer Marketing and
Promotion Planning
at the same time

Synergize professional Tourism Marketing operations with the explosive content power of influencers


Create and execute an effective digital advertising strategy​

Provide media mix suggestions and results reports

Digital &
Influencers Marketing​​

ONE-STOP service support​

NEXTPAPER M&C provides comprehensive travel marketing services,
from influencer marketing to promotion planning, operation, and media buying.

Digital &
Influencers Marketing​​

ONE-STOP service support​

NEXTPAPER M&C provides comprehensive travel marketing services, from influencer marketing to promotion planning, operation, and media buying.

Influencers​​​The core of social media marketing​

The overpowering impact influencers have in driving new leads in the digital world is more evident than ever.
It’s no doubt that this is especially true for travel marketing, as influencers play a key role in trend setting and establishing the trust needed for travelers to visit a particular destination.

Influencers​​​The core of social media marketing​

The influence of influencers in online marketing is growing even at this moment.

Especially in tourism marketing, influencers play a key role in creating a trend and trust towards travel destinations.

We know them well
and use them well

Based on our experience in collaborating with influencers across various fields and content creation experience, we help you incorporate the most effective influencer marketing.

인플루언서 마케팅

We know them well
and use them well

Based on our experience in collaborating with influencers across various fields and content creation experience, we help you with effective influencer marketing.​

인플루언서 마케팅

Influencer marketing, ​1
Easy to get started!

NEXTPAPER M&C influencer marketing data and
expertise can help you obtain high-quality content without overdoing your budget.

Guaranteed Content quality

Verified Travel Influencers​

Reasonable collaboration rates​​

Influencer marketing, 1​
Easy to get started!​​​​

NEXTPAPER M&C influencer marketing data and
expertise can help you obtainhigh-quality content at reasonable rates.​

Guaranteed Content quality

Verified Travel Influencers​

Reasonable collaboration rates​​

Choose ​2
the right Influencer Marketing Plan
for your brand!

FAM Tour

Individual influencers​

Choose an Influencer 2​
Marketing Plan!
For Marketing Purposes

FAM Tour

Individual influencers​

Promotions​​​Keys to Tourism Marketing

A strategically packaged travel promotion becomes a powerful force in attracting tourists to the destination.
NextPaper’s travel promotions offer a blend of travel information, deals, and engaging content to help travelers make informed and satisfying choices.

Promotions​​​Keys to Tourism Marketing​

A well-packed travel promotion becomes a powerful forcein attracting tourists to the destination.

NextPaper’s travel promotions offer a blend of travel information, deals, and engaging content to help travelers make informed and satisfying choices.

Tourism marketing
experts create
a critical edge
in promotions

Leveraging our expertise in travel digital marketing, we develop and manage optimized online promotions tailored to our clients’ target audience, providing efficient marketing solutions.

Tourism marketing
experts create a critical edge
in promotions

Leveraging our expertise in travel digital marketing, we develop and manage optimized online promotions tailored to our clients’ target audience, providing efficient marketing solutions.

여행 마케팅 프로모션
여행 마케팅 프로모션
여행 마케팅 프로모션
여행 마케팅 프로모션

With NextPaper ​1
Complex promotions become easy​​


Plan, produce, operate, and promote all at once!
Comprehensive promotional
marketing support
#strategy#planning#design#media buying

Packed Essential Information for Tourists!
Promotion planning
considering individual needs
#travel#travel benefits#travel content#affiliate#advertising

Boost in destination appeal!
Increase Visitors


With NextPaper1
Complex promotions
become easy

Plan, produce, operate, and promote all at once!
Comprehensive promotional
marketing support

#strategy#planning#design#media buying

Packed Essential Information for Tourists!
Promotion planning
considering individual needs

#travel#travel benefits#travel content#affiliate#advertising

Boost in destination appeal!
Increase Visitors


We have successfully led promotions​​ 2
for various fields and purposes.


We have ​successfully led 2​​
promotions for various fields and purposes.


Digital Advertising ​​​Stay on top of digital media trends​

NEXTPAPER M&C provides customized Media Planning services tailored to meet each advertiser’s unique KPIs.

By collecting and analyzing data based on user experience, we ensure maximum performance efficiency.


Brand/Target Digital Analytics
Media suggestions

Online DA
Mobile DA
Digital Signage


Deliver the optimal Media-Mix for the KPIs

Portal DA
Video Ad
Network DA


Utilizing a DMP for tailored audience targeting enhances campaign management.



Analysis of media/ad execution efficiency and future campaign strategy proposals.


Digital Advertising ​​​Stay on top of digital media trends

NEXTPAPER M&C provides customized Media Planning services tailored to meet each advertiser’s unique KPIs.
By collecting and analyzing data based on user experience, we ensure maximum performance efficiency.


Brand/Target Digital Analytics
Media suggestions

Online DA
Mobile DA
Digital Signage


Deliver the optimal Media-Mix for the KPIs

Portal DA
Video Ad
Network DA


Utilizing a DMP for tailored audience targeting enhances campaign management.



Analysis of media/ad execution efficiency and future campaign strategy proposals.


NextPaper’s 1
Sharp Core Strategy​​

Increase travel product conversions
from digital ad spend with three key strategies.

NextPaper’s 1
Sharp Core Strategy​​

Increase travel product conversions
from digital ad spend with three key strategies.

A reliable partner2
for NextPaper​​

Holding both a Google Certified Publishing Partner agreement,
signifying a top-tier publisher partner of Google,
and an official publisher partner contract with Kakao (Biz Board Ads & Ad FitAds).

Google Certified Publishing Partner
Kakao Partner

A reliable partner2
for NextPaper​​

Holding both a Google Certified Publishing Partner agreement, signifying a top-tier publisher partner of Google, and an official publisher partner contract with Kakao (Biz Board Ads & Ad FitAds).

Google Certified Publishing Partner
Kakao Partner

Choose a Tourism Marketing Plan!
For the Marketing Purposes



FAM TourIndividual Influencers

Choose a content theme

Support for influencers in thetravel, photo, and video categories

Providing content exposure on influencers’ channels and secondary usage licenses



Plan and create promotions

Promotions Management

Promotion advertising andpublicity

인플루언서 + 프로모션

+ promotions

Support for influencer collaboration and Creating content

Promotion production andmanagement

Choose a
Tourism Marketing Plan!
For the marketing purposes​



FAM TourIndividual Influencers

Choose a content theme

Support for influencers in thetravel, photo, and video categories

Providing content exposure on influencers’ channels and secondary usage licenses



Plan and create promotions

Promotions Management

Promotion advertising andpublicity

인플루언서 + 프로모션

+ promotions

Support for influencer collaboration and Creating content

Promotion production andmanagement