No.1 Digital Marketing Specialist

Seoul Arts Center
Production and management of Seoul Arts Center Webzine (2020 ~2021)

What We Change

#Digital Transformation

A 31-Year legacy transformed, collaborating with NextMedia, we transformed Seoul Arts Center’s monthly magazine into an interactive digital webzine.
Experience true 'Digital Transformation' through engaging videos, photos, and interactive effects.

예술의전당 웹진

What We Change

Elevate cultural enjoyment with a dynamic blend of main, videos, photos, webtoons, interactive effects, and calendars!
From performance and exhibition introductions to ticket reservations, the ultimate solution for cultural and arts media! 

One Source, Multi Use

High-quality webzine and customized content for SNS channels!
Boosting search results! Crafting blog content tailored to user engagement.
Creating approachable blog content! 

네이버 포스트 인스타그램

What We Made

Key Content Highlights  


Find out how Um Daeng, the webtoonist, creatively illustrates the optimal ways to utilize the Seoul Arts Center


Artist Series

Exclusive interviews with key figures in performing arts and exhibitions,  available exclusively at the Arts Center.
Essays on the most memorable performances in artists’ lives: "My Life's Performance."  
Music critic columns that demystify classical music in an accessible and engaging manner:  "Music with Insights." 


OX Quiz Event

Promote the webzine through interactive game events that require reading to participate and engage with the content 

예술의전당 이벤트
예술의전당 이벤트
예술의전당 이벤트

Newsletter & Web PUSH Service 

Elevate your brand with our distinctive newsletter and web PUSH notification services


Publish Newsletter bi-monthly


Access Seoul Arts Center Webzine
with a home screen icon


Receive PUSH notifications to access
Seoul Arts Center Webzine directly from the web

Our Records

Exposure on Naver Performance and Exhibition Board


Maximum Visibility on Naver Performance and Exhibition Board
