No.1 Digital Marketing Specialist



Production and management of the Ssoeburi Talk webzine (2019 ~ 2024, currently ongoing)

Our Records

Web Award Korea 2019 Webzine Category

Best Webzine Award 

Average Monthly Page Views


Average Monthly Visitors


What We Change

<Ssoeburi Talk>, a 26-year tradition, goes digital with NEXTPAPER!

What We Change

<Ssoeburi Talk>, a 26-year tradition, goes digital with NEXTPAPER!

What We Made

Spotlight : Life advice from opinion leaders shared through video

Crafting Your Personal Discography
Singer-songwriter, Motte
Viewing the World Through a Soulful Lens
Photographer, Park Hyung Geun
Breaking Tradition for Infinite Possibilities
Creator of Pansori, Park In Hye
Keep Your Car Healthy to Keep You Healthy!
Master Mechanic, Park Byung Il
For a Lifetime of Good Vision
Dr. Joo Cheon Ki

2023 Steel Marathon

Event Promotion

Interactive event encouraging subscriber engagement

Newsletter & Web PUSH Service

Elevate your brand with our distinctive newsletter and web PUSH notification services

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with a home screen icon

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Ssoeburi Talk directly from the web

Publish Newsletter bi-monthly

Access Ssoeburi Talk
with a home screen icon

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Ssoeburi Talk directly from the web