No.1 Digital Marketing Specialist


HL D&I Halla

Production and management of HL D&I Halla webzine (2021~2023, currently ongoing)

Our Records

Average Monthly Page Views


Average Monthly Visitors


What We Change

What We Change

What We Made

Curation : Creators’ room focused on inspiring people and spaces

A Home of Respect and Happiness,
The Story of Yoo Myung Hoon & Han Seo Hyung
A Home of 13 Years of Country Living
Shin Soon Hwa, the author of [The Adventure Called Home]
Exploring the Everyday Essence of Tea
Tea Curator, Lee Seul Gi
MZ Generation Artist Discovers ‘Korean Beauty’
Ceramic Artist, Kim Yoon Sam
The Shore Store with a Stunning Tiled Roof
CEO Hwang Jae Hwan of Vestis Company
Embracing Querencia as the Source of Inspiration
Glass Artisan, Yang You Wan


Event Promotion

Interactive event encouraging subscriber engagement

Newsletter & Web PUSH Service

Elevate your brand with our distinctive newsletter and web PUSH notification services

Newsletter published once a month

Access 「The Four Seasons」
with a home screen icon

Receive PUSH notifications to access
「The Four Seasons」 directly from the web

Publish Newsletter bi-monthly

Access 「The Four Seasons」
with a home screen icon

Receive PUSH notifications to access
「The Four Seasons」 directly from the web