No.1 Digital Marketing Specialist

Sejong Center
Production and management of Story 175 webzine (2019~2021) 

What We Change

#Progress Webzine

Webzine, capturing the vivid emotions beyond the artwork!
Implementing special features to satisfy both the audience and the venue. 

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What We Change

Introducing Portal Features on the Main Page!
A multi-functional website curated with essential features for cultural and arts media.
Despite the crisis in the performing arts due to COVID-19, Story175 played a pivotal role as a gateway for engaging with the public through content. 

What We Made

Key Content Highlights 


Stories of the individuals behind the stage: actors, directors, musicians, stage crew, and more, all dedicated to delivering captivating performances to the audience 



Introducing Sejong Center's stage news through the perspectives of three individuals, webtoons, expert columns, and more. 


CAST 175

Various news from Sejong Center, representing of cultural space


Newsletter & Web PUSH Service 

Elevate your brand with our distinctive newsletter and web PUSH notification services  

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Publish Newsletter bi-monthly

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Access Story 175
with a home screen icon

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Receive PUSH notifications to access
Story 175 directly from the web


Enhancing the allure of attending performances by offering these services,
such as SEJONG TUBE, a performance video channel, CHOICE for ticket reservations,
discounts on nearby shops, coupons, calendar,
and etc. 

Our Records

2019~2021, three consecutive year of webzine production

+1,095 days